Abacus Mental Arithmetic

UCMAS helps children in their whole brain development, Abacus is used and the medium brought to use is arithmetic. It means we use Abacus for teaching our students mental arithmetic. Abacus, a tool that is used for making certain calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. A smart tool that initially started in Japan has been now adopted by all over the world.  Reason being its ability to enhance the arithmetic skills of students as well as the overall brain development that it promotes.

We use the Japanese abacus Soroban to help children enhance and develop their arithmetic prowess. Having certain additional benefits it can help increase intuition, problem solving ability and mental endurance as well. We will talk about how it works and why it is so effective!

Soroban Abacus and Training

Soroban, the ancient tool used for counting dating back to the ancient Roman and Greek times, has evolved through different civilizations. The primitive Chinese abacus which had two top and five lower beads was first introduced to the Japanese during the 16th century. It was then used by the traders and merchants. Until the 1930s the Japanese adopted this Chinese abacus and they named it Soroban. Soroban, the only abacus with one bead at the top and four lower beads, can be immensely efficient to use by a skilled user. Visualizing and using the beads for calculating mentally can even beat a calculator.

It’s the Most Powerful and Efficient Tool

Beginning with Japan now this tool is used worldwide. It is the most effective and powerful tool that has been used to teach math to children. Eyes being exposed to soroban for long enough and with time there is no need for the tool and children can make the calculations mentally. Then there is no need for a soroban or calculator to do the calculations. This is what we try to imbibe in our pupils at the Mental Arithmetic Abacus, in Australia.

How is it Used?

UCMAS students enjoy the process and it’s quite fun to learn with the world’s oldest calculator. The potential benefits are immense. We see a whole lot of improvement with time in the arithmetic abilities of our students and a boost in confidence as well as in the problem solving abilities. The system of abacus mental calculations students are trained to visualize abacus to make mental arithmetic calculations.

With time the physical use of the abacus is dropped and students are efficient enough to make all kinds of calculations in their mind which allows them to make a visual picture in their mind. This allows swift calculations carried on in the mind and the answers are written down. Mental calculation fosters an increase in the levels of response, memorizing capability and improves concentration.

Guidance Under Expert Supervision

We all know that the science of brain development has come a long way through ages. We have seen how abacus training is imparted all over the world and how so many children are taking the advantage of this infamous technique. So the crucial question is where do you find the right teacher and guide for your children?

Don’t worry; we are here to help you with this important concern of yours. We have the most qualified and absolutely efficient teachers. Mentors who will help your child in his overall growth holistically .Apart from that our experts in the field will help your child imbibe the techniques that are needed to get the total understanding of the whole of mental arithmetic abacus.

Contact UCMAS and Unravel the Genius within your Child

Visual arithmetic is one significant building block in the overall development of a child that will positively affect the other latent qualities of the brain. It will help you to unravel the genius within your child .We are putting extraordinary efforts to help children excel in overall academic life with the help of our expert professionals. If you’re looking for a Mental Arithmetic Abacus program for your child in Australia we will take care of all your concerns related to the growth and development of your child. Millions of children worldwide are taking the advantage of learning through this innovative method and this has brought a revolution in their overall mental abilities. Why would you leave your child from being exposed to this wonderful method of training and learning!!   

What are Some of the Obvious Benefits a Child can Avail?

  • It enhances and improves the overall concentration of a child.
  • Improvement in observation and listening skills of a child.
  • Considerable Enhancement in visualization and imaginative skills.
  • Overall strengthening of memory.
  • Improvement in speed and accuracy.
  • Makes a child more creative.
  • Fosters confidence development from an early age.
  • Provides a robust foundation for academics.
  • Better reading and writing skills.

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